Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Honduras Day 1

Hey guys - 
I was thinking today.. I would love to have a website! But I don't want to pay like $20 a month for it. So, why don't I use blogspot? It's genius! But, I don't have a tag for my photos just yet. So until then, I will be selective to the amount I put up! 

Since I haven't updated since before Honduras - I'll put up some pictures!! 

On our first day we went to the Children's school and just loved on them! You'd be shocked to see what they are excited to receive! We had a ton of the SAME stickers and some of the children were just so ecstatic about receiving the stickers! Other children got a kick out of getting their picture taken. I think I took about 300 maybe 400 pictures at this location alone. Good thing I brought 4 2g memory cards! These are some of my favorites from that location - but the B&W one of Ben is my absolute favorite! It's perfect. 

Jimmy Hughes is a missionary located in Honduras and he has all these out reaches for lost and hurting people. There is this one in particular that I really like. It's for teenagers who have been raped or have gotten pregnant from prostitution or rape and he houses them so they can live there in safety (because like any other country, if you get away from the pimp then they try to come looking for you) and have their children there. 
This child is probably 5-7 months in this picture. His mother conceived him at 10 YEARS OLD!! I don't think my body was even capable of that at 10! But molestation and rape (which this girl was raped by a family member) starting at young ages makes the body believe that it has to develop faster. The last picture is the 11 year old mother.

This town is Zambrano... It's full of some of Honduras' poorest people. We are just a mile or two off from this town. We walked everywhere the first day, and hiked a mountain so we got some pretty good exercise! It was awesome. But anyways - we went here to evangelize. Surprisingly most of our people from my group (which was Nikki, Emma & me) already knew God. We had one family who didn't want to talk to us because they were jehovah witnesses. But we came across this one family, and the lady was telling us how her family is in trouble and how she was sick. She asked us not to forget her! It broke our hearts! We will never forget her, let alone anyone else who touched our hearts during this trip. It is unforgettable. I love taking pictures of kids! They are just so photogenic most the time. These are my favorite pictures from Zambrano. I love the picture of Mark Jobe giving kids candy - it grasps how excited they are. 
This is Paul! He was at the mission's house we stayed at. His Grandmother and Grandfather live on campus and SERVE us, they are precious people! Paul is such a sweet boy, but a handful at the same time. Matt and I taught him everything we know :) I hope he remembers it all! We're quizzing him when we go back! 

This is Honduras at sun set. Breathtaking, is it? 

Check back for Honduras Day 2!

1 comment:

Megan said...

Awesome pics sis! I'm so proud of you!!! :)