Thursday, February 26, 2009

It's been a while..

It's been a long time since I last updated. A lot has been going on too! School is coming to an end for me... At least High School. I'm about to graduate! AND HOW EXCITED I am about that. 

Also, I am going on a mission trip over spring break to Honduras. It's going to be life changing. We are going to be doing a lot of work. Ben is saying that we better be pooped when we get back. I can't wait. We are doing a drama skit, as well as doing stuff for the children. I know most of you have seen the video "Everything" by Lifehouse. If you haven't, please go check it out! Anyways, we found the music in Spanish, and we are redoing the skit for the women in prison, the soccer tournament and for the people that we are going to help with painting. I can't wait, my excitement is about to explode. I think my favorite is going to be the last day. It's a fun day, but we are going on a hike, and we are going up to this waterfall... I am getting a NIKON D60 before I go, so I'm in great hopes to get some awesome photographs. 

God is going to be doing some awesome things in all of our lives while we are down. Now, I don't speak spanish very well. I took two years, and I could barely get by, so I realize that I will need to just love on them with actions. And that's what a lot of us have to do. I'm excited, because loving hurting people is one of the things I do best. :)

Well, this was random and just to be a quick update for you guys.

Please be praying for us as we are in Honduras! 


1 comment:

Megan said...

Keep updating missy lol