Saturday, July 18, 2009

Honduras Day 5

Hey! Sorry its been so long! I have been house sitting this past week and I was thinking I could just connect to their internet and update, but my computer wouldn't. So here I am updating you with the last day of Honduras! Now, I didn't take many pictures because we weren't doing things where I could, so this will only have a few! :)
You jump first :)

We woke up crazy early to go on a hike, where we talked about the week and blessed other people with words of encouragement and stuff. So that was cool. But this place was so beautiful. I've seen a lot of waterfalls and rivers but this one was just so amazing! 
This is Bryan, he was the best bus driver ever! We were sad to leave him, and he was sad we were leaving! :(
In the afternoon we went to Tegucigalpa to do our drama in front of the Honduran military and in front of all the generals and stuff! Intense stuff!! But it was really cool and I heard they liked it. :) Which is encouraging! Then at night we went back to Comayagua to go help out with a Soccer tournament. So we went and we actually didn't do much! I was having trouble getting shots, since night time is pretty hard, so here are just a few. More on Facebook! 

Well, Honduras was amazing. I had a ton of fun on the trip and I know I'll never forget it. If you ever have a chance to go on a mission trip - take it! They change your life!

Thanks for reading, 
with love,

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