Friday, July 10, 2009

Honduras Day 4

Ashley Swinney taught some of the people from our team how to make balloon animals and stuff, and the kids really enjoyed that!
It was so cute to see the kids try to figure out the bubble wands! They got such a kick out of them!
Before we gave the kids their gifts we all pilled into this room where the other team mates (the ones not doing the drama skit) learned Spanish skits for the kids to watch. It was so fun watching them get into it with our team!
After the school we had a chance to grab lunch and do a little shopping... Here is a "market" area where most of the people of Comayagua get their food and goods. I didn't but anything except a Honduran jersey. A lot of our team got them. But, it was fun to see... Not the safest/best smelling area - but it was still fun!
Remember that street we went on to paint/evangalize? Well, we went back and prepared to feed 1,000 people! IT WAS SO MUCH FUN! All the kids, and music and people. So much fun! I don't know how many people ended up showing but there were a lot. We did a lot to entertain them too! I took like... a lot of pictures of the kids:) "uno foto!"

Little Sallie Walker! Mackenzie came up with this idea and all the younger kids thought it was fun. Although they had no idea what we were singing, they loved it! And sang along with us!
DANCE PARTAY!! They had Hillsong blasting in Spanish so that was cool. They had Take it All on, and I think every person there was up dancing and acting crazy.
Ben was like throwing kids in the air and picking them up by their heads and stuff.. The guys liked that...
Honduras has pretty much driven all the gangs out but there are still a few left there... So due to the law, we had to have military men ride on our bus/ follow us home.. The gangs knew we were there, why and AMERICAN... So... They were lurking around the corners. But it wasn't a big deal - they stayed away!This is... Adan. I try to go on mission trips and not get attached to the kids. It breaks my heart to leave them and to know that I may never see them again. Seriously, I cried after my mission trip to Mexico a couple of years back because I was so torn from the kids! So, this is my theory I try to keep. For the most part it helps. But there is always ONE kid I fall in love with and want to take home with me. Here is mine. He is such a sweet boy! He told me (and Matt - who fell in love with him as well) that he wanted to go home with us and that we were best friends! AH! He is so adorable and I hope that if I ever go back to Honduras, I really want to see him!
Thanks guys so much for reading my blog! Tomorrow, Day 5! (Last "work day" so last entry!) It means the world that you have a care for what I say!

Love you all,

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