Friday, December 4, 2009

Epcot & MGM

I can't even begin with how much thanks I have towards the Braun's. This trip was such a blessing, and I would have never gone without them giving me the oppertunity. Without them, the "next" time (since I was 3 last time, and only went to MK - Does that count?) would be when I'd take my kids... Probably.


Love this girl!

So, blogging about Disney is over! :( But -- now I can move on. It takes me forever to blog! :)


Sunday, October 4, 2009

Magic Kingdom

Magic Kingdom was awesome! When I was three, this is the park we went to, because we didn't go to all of them. I don't remember much from then... But I remember everything from this day! It was a lot of fun!

Come on guys! You gotta love man made waterfalls! C:
We went on this jungle safari and it was really funny. I don't remember what all the guy said - but he made some good jokes. I forgot what he said here...
They look real... But they aren't!
Pissy boyfriend :) We look like brother and sister in this picture.
I didn't have my flash on so this picture is blurry. But it is really cool because you see the boat with MK in the back.
I really like this picture! As well as it's angle!
The fireworks were amazing! I took 230 + pictures during the firework show!
Probably one of my favorites. I love them all, but some are just amazing! :)

Magic Kingdom was awesome! Don't ever ask me what park was my favorite, I can't answer. They probably make it like that on purpose! :)



Saturday, September 19, 2009


So two out of the seven days Matt and I went to Universal with his uncle, Rick. He is a lot of fun, and nothing like Matt's dad. He loves the roller coasters, and he is like 50+. I guess it would be appropriate to say he is "wild" haha!
I have no idea but Rick wanted us to get a picture here, although there is nothing really here haha!
This is us in front of Jurassic park! AHH!
This is the building for the "Posideon Adventure" it was such a cool looking building!
I didn't get many pictures these two days. I didn't even take my camera one day because I was tired of carrying it every where! But this is what you get to see. :)
My favorite part of these two days was when we were looking in one of the stores and they had Thing 1 Thing 2 shirts for dogs... I was looking at it because it'd be amazing if I got on for Remy. Rick came up and said "huh why are you looking at baby clothes, do you have something to tell us"? I said "yeah, I have a dog and I want to get this for him". It was really funny! Then later he asked if I was pregnant and I was like yes. I am do in January and Matt played a long and he started believing it! HAHA! IT was SO FUNNY! Then later when we were leaving we were looking in another store and I grabbed a Spongebob onezie and I went up to him and put it over my stomach and I was like "what do you think"? He just gave me this look... Matt and I started laughing and I was like "dude, I'm not pregnant"! Rick said "Good - I'm not ready to be a great uncle"!

Ahh! Good times!
Check back for Magic Kingdom!!!!

Disney World!! Animal Kingdom

So, I had one of the best opportunities this summer. My boyfriend's family was so kind to take me on their family trip to Florida! Before, I had only been to Magic Kingdom and Universal when I was 3. So a lot has changed! It was such a fun trip! Probably one of the best weeks of my life. I also got to know Matt's family more!
Over the next few posts I will share the whole trip thru pictures. Don't ask why I am going backwards, I just am! HAHA! The last day we went to Animal Kingdom!
The Tree of Life. It is so big! They have "It's Tough to Be a Bug" in it!
This is Mount Everest. It has Expedition Everest on it which is a roller coaster. It was an amazing ride! We rode it twice, which was not enough!
This is the Lion King play. I know the pictures aren't the best, but it was inside and it was kind of dark. But I tried my best, and some of them are good! I loved this play! It made me want to move to Florida and just work the play. It was awesome! Lion King is my favorite child hood film!
I loved the Giraffes!
My favorite Safari picture!
The last thing we did at AK., the safari! It was so cool, there were so many animals. It didn't seem long enough though - but I got some good pictures!
Overall, AK took us about 4-5 hours to do everything. Lion King was probably my favorite at this park!

Check back for Universal!