Friday, September 12, 2008

Fear not, for I am with you

"Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you; I will hold on to you with My righteous hand". - Isaiah 41:10

How do you feel when you read that? Well, I know that I feel that I do not need to fear... He is with me, and not to be afraid. He is my God and my strength, and he is ALWAYS holding my hand. That is so powerful to me. This is the bible verse that we are teaching and basing this month's lesson off of in the children's ministry. Of course, all we say is "Fear not for I am with you" and you know, even that is powerful. 

I work in the single parent's on Monday nights, and there is three year old named Mercer. It was the first week that we were learning about Daniel and the Lion's Den and she already had memorized her verse. Awesome thing is, she wakes up then says the verse. When her mother told me and my coworker this, I couldn't help but feel successful. Knowing that there are some kids that listen just makes me happy. 

Last weekend I was the teacher for two services and I guess I didn't know what I was reading... I always thought that these verses are for when you are afraid, and to an extent that is true. But if you read more in depth, you can say that these verses are for anything. When you are worried, confused, lost, helpless, and etc... I know now that whenever I am worried, "I will strengthen you" or when I'm lost, "I will hold onto you" or when I'm confused, "I am with you". God is with us through anything. 

So, that is my babbling. Pretty random I guess, but yeah. :D

1 comment:

meaganlovesjesus said...

good stuff!
whenever i get scared or fearful i always remember Joshua 1:9 (your favorite verse) and it always comforts me and brings me God's peace :)